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🏆 Mehr als 3 Jahre Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht

María L.

Lehrerin aus Mexiko"

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Hello! I am Luisa, a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language. He worked teaching Spanish virtually to children from 8 to 11 years old, adolescents from 12 to 19 years old and adults from 20 to 65 years old. My teaching style varies depending on the student, if you are interested in conversing in Spanish, we will practice basic vocabulary and grammar so that you can form your own sentences, if you move to a Spanish-speaking country we can even read history and learn idioms from that country. I...

Hello! I am Luisa, a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language. He worked teaching Spanish virtually to children from 8 to 11 years old, adolescents from 12 to 19 years old and adults from 20 to 65 years old. My teaching style varies depending on the student, if you are interested in conversing in Spanish, we will practice basic vocabulary and grammar so that you can form your own sentences, if you move to a Spanish-speaking country we can even read history and learn idioms from that country. In the test class we can identify your level of Spanish and talk about your objectives, you can tell me why you want to learn Spanish, what your motivation is, if you are going to visit a Spanish-speaking country, if you require it for work or if you want you or your children simply learn a new language. See you soon!

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  • Spanisch
    • Sitten
    • Konversation
    • Grammatik
    • Spanisch im Alltag
    • Vokabeln
    • Business Spanisch
  • Englisch
    • Grammatik

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Spanisch Muttersprache


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Ing. En Gestión Empresarial
Bachelor-Abschluss Licenciado En Ciencias Sociales Y Tecnología Am Lernen
Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Dirección Y Administración De Empresas Am Lernen