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Lehrerin aus Ägypten"

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I'm a certified Arabic teacher from the International House Institute. / IH Cairo. I teach MSA (Modern Standard Arabic) and Egyptian, Levantine, and Kuwaiti dialects. I grew up in Kuwait (Gulf Area) so If you want to learn Arabic to have a job there, I can help you to know about the culture and their dialect. My lessons & teaching style I teach Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian, Levantine, and Kuwaiti dialects; speaking, reading, listening, and writing through activities and exercises within t...

I'm a certified Arabic teacher from the International House Institute. / IH Cairo. I teach MSA (Modern Standard Arabic) and Egyptian, Levantine, and Kuwaiti dialects. I grew up in Kuwait (Gulf Area) so If you want to learn Arabic to have a job there, I can help you to know about the culture and their dialect. My lessons & teaching style I teach Modern Standard Arabic and Egyptian, Levantine, and Kuwaiti dialects; speaking, reading, listening, and writing through activities and exercises within the lesson, and assignments till the next lesson. I’m specialized in teaching Arabic to students who want to pass an Arabic exam, study in an Arabic university, prepare for an interview, or even those who want to learn Arabic to live in an Arabian country. Every student has his learning style, so let me know yours in our first lesson. My approach has different methods according to what you need and prefer! My teaching material PDF file Text Documents Presentation slides/PPT Audio files Image files Video files Flashcards Articles and news Quizzes Test templates and examples Homework Assignments

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  • Arabisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Zertifikat Spanish Philology
Zertifikat Arabic Teachin Methodology