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⏱ Antwortet in der Regel innerhalb weniger Minuten!
🏆 Mehr als 1 Jahr Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht
Lehrerin aus Chile"
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Hello! My name is Macarena Cornejo. Graduate in Biology from the University of Chile and currently studying a Master's degree on Biological Sciences. My main work is in laboratories, but i really enjoy teaching and performing classes, mostly about science and topics about biology mostly. I like teaching, and giving support to every person that needs it, because not only them learn in the progress but also i do. I have experience working with school and university students Let's have fun studyi...
Hello! My name is Macarena Cornejo. Graduate in Biology from the University of Chile and currently studying a Master's degree on Biological Sciences. My main work is in laboratories, but i really enjoy teaching and performing classes, mostly about science and topics about biology mostly. I like teaching, and giving support to every person that needs it, because not only them learn in the progress but also i do. I have experience working with school and university students Let's have fun studying!!!
Spanisch Muttersprache