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M. F.

Lehrerin aus Ägypten"

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A biology specialist with PHD degree, lecturer with 10 years teaching experience. passionate about teaching students. I am willing to help with biology material. My lessons prepare you for assignments and exams for high grades and great achievements. Flexible time for the online sessions. Each class lasts according to the time needed to finish task regardless fees. these lessons help you to think biology. understanding biology, cell biology, genetics and human physiology is interesting but needs...

A biology specialist with PHD degree, lecturer with 10 years teaching experience. passionate about teaching students. I am willing to help with biology material. My lessons prepare you for assignments and exams for high grades and great achievements. Flexible time for the online sessions. Each class lasts according to the time needed to finish task regardless fees. these lessons help you to think biology. understanding biology, cell biology, genetics and human physiology is interesting but needs a way to simplify the theory and declare the facts in unforgettable way and using interesting interactive presentations

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  • Biologie
    • Zellbiologie
    • Physiologieunterricht
    • Genetik
    • microbiologia
    • virologia
    • inmunologia

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