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Aus China" , derzeit wohnhaft in Brasilien

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🧑‍🎓Taught 500+ students worldwide 🔤Certified in Mandarin and fluent in English/Portuguese 🏆Won 15+ language awards and certificates in English/Portuguese/Mandarin ⚽Studying abroad, with little time difference from you 👦Emphasizing interest-driven learning Hello! My name is Liang Cheng, from China and based in Brazil. I am a native Mandarin speaker who also speaks the Hakka dialect of China, Brazilian Portuguese and American English. 📚As a Chinese teacher, I am good at cultivating student...

🧑‍🎓Taught 500+ students worldwide 🔤Certified in Mandarin and fluent in English/Portuguese 🏆Won 15+ language awards and certificates in English/Portuguese/Mandarin ⚽Studying abroad, with little time difference from you 👦Emphasizing interest-driven learning Hello! My name is Liang Cheng, from China and based in Brazil. I am a native Mandarin speaker who also speaks the Hakka dialect of China, Brazilian Portuguese and American English. 📚As a Chinese teacher, I am good at cultivating students' interest in Chinese. I will provide customized courses based on your level and interests. My courses, driven by interest, focus more on practical application rather than rigid grammar. Thus, I will introduce a variety of materials, including videos, music, news, myths, etc., helping you maintain your interest and improve without yourself realizing. I encourage students to speak more, read more, listen more, and ask more questions. Making mistakes is perfectly okay. I will make you more confident with your Chinese. If you are interested in the Chinese language or culture, then you have found the right person. My interest-driven courses will help you use your interest to master the Chinese language. If you are not interested, that’s okay too. My personalized courses will help you discover your interest in the language and culture, helping you open the door to a new world! My experience includes: 🌏TCSOL at WZU 2021-2022 I passed university selection and became a TCSOL teacher. I customized courses for different students and taught bilingual course to 500+ students from 9 countries. We were reported by both domestic and foreign media. 🧑‍🏫English Teacher 2020-2021 I also worked as an English teacher and taught 30+ primary school students. I focused on cultivating students' interest in English and helped many students get better grades. 🏆Holder of Mandarin Proficiency Certificate 2019-now I participated in numerous language contests and exams, gaining 15+ certificates and awards, including top prize in NECCS and the Mandarin proficiency certificate. Book a trial class and I will: 📋Evaluate your Chinese level before the class 💯Provide customized courses based on your level and interests 📚Share digital learning materials 🏆Share my own language learning methods, which helped me become a polyglot.

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  • Chinesisch Fortgeschritten/C2

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EnglischUmfassende Kompetenzen

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Bachelor's Degree In Data Science And Big Data Technology
Zertifikat Mandarin Proficiency Certificate

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