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🏆 Mehr als 3 Jahre Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht
⏱ Reagiert in der Regel innerhalb von 12 Stunden
🏆 Mehr als 3 Jahre Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht
Lehrerin aus Demokratische Republik Kongo" , derzeit wohnhaft in Südafrika
Die Lehrkraft hat ihre/seine Präsentation in einer anderen Sprache verfasst. Automatisch übersetzen
My name is Leonny Manyonga,I’m a english teacher,I’m a positive person who has an enthusiastic outlook on life. I love my job and get a great sense of achievement from seeing my students develop and grow as individuals.if I can have a positive impact on their future, I feel I’m doing my job well , I am an effective communicator,borth in writing and verbally , my teaching style is primary centred on my student engagement .I like to use exercises, colourful power point slides and even video...
My name is Leonny Manyonga,I’m a english teacher,I’m a positive person who has an enthusiastic outlook on life. I love my job and get a great sense of achievement from seeing my students develop and grow as individuals.if I can have a positive impact on their future, I feel I’m doing my job well , I am an effective communicator,borth in writing and verbally , my teaching style is primary centred on my student engagement .I like to use exercises, colourful power point slides and even video where possible to demonstrate my learning point .
EnglischFachliche Kompetenz
FranzösischFachliche Kompetenz