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Aus Argentinien"

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My name is Leandro Cherñavsky and I´m from Argentina. I´m doing a PhD in philosophy in the Universidad de Buenos Aires, oriented in arts and philosophy of language. By taking clases with me, you will learn what you inmediately need (a school subject, something for entering a university or even some university subjects that you are struggling with) or even general knowledge about philosophy. But also you will learn a study methodology that is going to help you to be independent in future studies...

My name is Leandro Cherñavsky and I´m from Argentina. I´m doing a PhD in philosophy in the Universidad de Buenos Aires, oriented in arts and philosophy of language. By taking clases with me, you will learn what you inmediately need (a school subject, something for entering a university or even some university subjects that you are struggling with) or even general knowledge about philosophy. But also you will learn a study methodology that is going to help you to be independent in future studies.

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  • Philosophie Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Licenciado En Filosofía
Promotion Doctorado En Filosofía Am Lernen