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Laura T.

Lehrerin aus Südafrika"

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have been teaching English for two wonderful years and I have my accrditation in the TEFL certificate. My main goal in my classes is not only to improve the structural part of English but also level of comfort my students' feel in speaking English. I create all of my lesson plans individually to suit the unique needs of every student, ensuring that they will have all their needs met and their success accessible. I make sure that in every single class my student feels comfortable, happy and overa...

have been teaching English for two wonderful years and I have my accrditation in the TEFL certificate. My main goal in my classes is not only to improve the structural part of English but also level of comfort my students' feel in speaking English. I create all of my lesson plans individually to suit the unique needs of every student, ensuring that they will have all their needs met and their success accessible. I make sure that in every single class my student feels comfortable, happy and overall excited about their improvement in the English language. The progress depends on the level, however I assure all of my students that I am 100% committed to their progress and will ensure I help them as best I can!

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  • Englisch
    • Grammatik
    • Business Englisch
    • Vokabeln
    • Konversation
    • Leseverstehen
    • Schreiben

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Zertifikat High School Diploma

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