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Laura M.
Lehrerin aus Kolumbien" , derzeit wohnhaft in Deutschland
Über mich
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Hi! I am Laura, a native Hispanic speaker, I am Colombian and I have studies in finance, I currently live in Germany, I am a student of the German language, I understand how difficult it is to learn a new language so I am here to help you develop and improve your skills in the language . I like to organize online Spanish classes according to the learning objectives of each student. I will be happy to be your online teacher, to help you achieve everything you want in terms of your level in the...
Hi! I am Laura, a native Hispanic speaker, I am Colombian and I have studies in finance, I currently live in Germany, I am a student of the German language, I understand how difficult it is to learn a new language so I am here to help you develop and improve your skills in the language . I like to organize online Spanish classes according to the learning objectives of each student. I will be happy to be your online teacher, to help you achieve everything you want in terms of your level in the language!
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Spanisch Muttersprache
EnglischUmfassende Kompetenzen