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Lehrerin aus Türkei"

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Hello! I am Kübra. I graduated from political science department (100% English ) recently. I have been studying Arabic language and literature at a university in Istanbul.I like learning new languages like Arabic and Spanish. I am also a language learner which makes me comprehend what you are going through and take action accordingly. I have been teaching Turkish for one and a half year. I had face to face teaching experience as well. I do enjoy teaching Turkish. I will try to do my best for ...

Hello! I am Kübra. I graduated from political science department (100% English ) recently. I have been studying Arabic language and literature at a university in Istanbul.I like learning new languages like Arabic and Spanish. I am also a language learner which makes me comprehend what you are going through and take action accordingly. I have been teaching Turkish for one and a half year. I had face to face teaching experience as well. I do enjoy teaching Turkish. I will try to do my best for the sake of teaching you Turkish. I will provide you with some additional visual and audial materials so that you can internalize the things that we cover during the lessons. I will try to create more engaging activities or exercises so that you could learn properly. For advanced levels, we can have some translation activities as well. Just give it a try! You can send me a message in order to see whether I am able to make a change regarding my availability.:) Only female students and families (Group Lessons)

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  • Türkisch Anfänger/A1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1

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Tuve la clase de prueba y me gustó mucho. Muy buena disposición y ganas de hacerlo bien.
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EnglischUmfassende Kompetenzen

ArabischFachliche Kompetenz

Spanisch Konversationsfähigkeiten

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Ausbildung und Erfahrung Political Science Department(100%English)
Ausbildung und Erfahrung Arabic Language And Literature Am Lernen
Zertifikat Teaching Turkish As A Foreign Language Certificate /Istanbul University Language Center 2023