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Lehrerin aus Mexiko" , derzeit wohnhaft in Neuseeland

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About me 📜 Certified to Teach Spanish 🌟 4 Years of Verified Experience 🗣️ Communicative and Holistic Methodology 🌍 Specialist in Students from English-Speaking Countries Hello, I'm Cris and I'm Mexican. I have 4 years of experience as a Spanish teacher, with a certificate in language teaching and a degree in journalism 🎓. Over the past year, I've been teaching Spanish online 💻, complementing my previous experience in face-to-face teaching 📚. My passion for Mexican and Latin culture is d...

About me 📜 Certified to Teach Spanish 🌟 4 Years of Verified Experience 🗣️ Communicative and Holistic Methodology 🌍 Specialist in Students from English-Speaking Countries Hello, I'm Cris and I'm Mexican. I have 4 years of experience as a Spanish teacher, with a certificate in language teaching and a degree in journalism 🎓. Over the past year, I've been teaching Spanish online 💻, complementing my previous experience in face-to-face teaching 📚. My passion for Mexican and Latin culture is deep 🌟, and I love sharing this richness with my students 🌎. I worked at a secondary school in Mexico for 2 years, teaching Spanish 🇲🇽📚. For the other 2 years, I have been working as an independent tutor while traveling through countries like Canada, Australia, and New Zealand 🌍✈️. My methodology is holistic and communicative, focused on effective communication and ensuring that the student is always the center of attention 💬🎯. To experience my teaching methodology, I invite you to book a trial class 📅✨. Before the class, I will send you a short questionnaire to better understand your needs 📝. I will prepare a trial class so you can become familiar with my teaching style and how we will work together 💡. If you have any questions or if there's a particular topic you would like to cover in class, let me know! 💬 Additionally, if you don’t find a suitable time on my calendar, I can open additional slots to accommodate your schedule ⏰.

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Certificado De Nueva Zelanda En La Enseñanza De Idiomas
Bachelor-Abschluss Licenciatura En Periodismo

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