🏆 Mehr als 5 Jahre Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht

Kevin S.

Aus Kolumbien"

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Hi! I'm Kevin, professional astronomer, scientific communicator and teacher of physics and mathematics. I have a diploma in virtual education and digital skills. Additionally, I work on academic projects for social equity, contributing to the support of vulnerable communities in their preparation for ICFES and preU. My classes are dynamic and I like to carry out dynamics in which the person becomes a participant and takes ownership of their process. I am very flexible and have more than 5 years...

Hi! I'm Kevin, professional astronomer, scientific communicator and teacher of physics and mathematics. I have a diploma in virtual education and digital skills. Additionally, I work on academic projects for social equity, contributing to the support of vulnerable communities in their preparation for ICFES and preU. My classes are dynamic and I like to carry out dynamics in which the person becomes a participant and takes ownership of their process. I am very flexible and have more than 5 years of experience

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  • Mathe
    • Statistiken
    • Lineare Algebra
    • Angewandte Mathematik
    • Trigonometrie
    • Rechnen
    • Mathematische Logik
  • Physik
    • Elektromagnetismus
    • Thermodynamik
    • Flüssigkeitsphysik
    • Physikalische Grundlagen
    • Astrophysik
    • Mechanische Physik

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Spanisch Muttersprache


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Ausbildung und Erfahrung Astrónomo
Abschlusszeugnis Educación Virtual Universitaria
Abschlusszeugnis Desarrollo De Software Y Desarrollo De Apps Am Lernen

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