Juan C.
5,0 (1)
Über mich
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I am a physicist from the Industrial University of Santander and currently a Master's student in Physics from the same university. Since I started in this world I have always been sharing my knowledge with others. I like teaching and even more so if I teach what I like so much (Physics and mathematics). I know perfectly well that these subjects can be tedious or "complicated", my mission will be to make them seem easy. In my classes I usually explain the concepts and theories in detail, use plenty of examples and interact a lot with my students, so that the class is dynamic, does not generate stress and is fruitful.
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Bewertungen meiner Studenten

Ich unterrichte
- Algebra
- Mathematische Grundlagen
- Lineare Algebra
- Trigonometrie
- Rechnen
- Elektrodynamik
- Elektromagnetismus
- Physikalische Grundlagen
- Quantenmechanik
- Computerphysik
- Mechanische Physik
Die Sprachen, die ich spreche
Bildung und Abschlüsse
Ausbildung und Erfahrung
Maestría En Física