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Joy C.

Lehrerin aus Nigeria"

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Hello! I am Joy, a Chemistry teacher and a graduate of Education/Chemistry. I ventured into teaching when I discovered I can explain whatever I know to anyone and they would understand. I have been on a mission to bring home the knowledge of Chemistry. I have taught for 9 years and have prepared students for different exams; Checkpoint Science, IGCSE Chemistry, SAT and A'Level Chemistry. I also take elementary and middle school Maths. There is no concept you cannot understand when I am your te...

Hello! I am Joy, a Chemistry teacher and a graduate of Education/Chemistry. I ventured into teaching when I discovered I can explain whatever I know to anyone and they would understand. I have been on a mission to bring home the knowledge of Chemistry. I have taught for 9 years and have prepared students for different exams; Checkpoint Science, IGCSE Chemistry, SAT and A'Level Chemistry. I also take elementary and middle school Maths. There is no concept you cannot understand when I am your teacher. This is because I design my lessons incorporating my learner's need. I use various strategies that you would get to see them when we meet in class. I would love to help you achieve your learning goals. I hope to see you in class.

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  • Chemie
    • Reine Chemie
    • Präparative Chemie
    • Stöchiometrie
    • Organische Chemie
    • Grundlagen der Chemie
    • Anorganische Chemie

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EnglischUmfassende Kompetenzen

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Bsc. Education/Chemistry

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