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Developer with 5 years of experience takes pride in the ability to create and support existing modules using a range of cutting-edge technologies. My software development focus spans .Net Framework, .Net Core, Django, and Node, allowing me to bring a diverse and valuable perspective to projects across various sectors, including point-of-sale, hospitality, healthcare, finance, and more. In the dynamic world of technology, I have worked tirelessly to stay updated and proficient in the latest tre...

Developer with 5 years of experience takes pride in the ability to create and support existing modules using a range of cutting-edge technologies. My software development focus spans .Net Framework, .Net Core, Django, and Node, allowing me to bring a diverse and valuable perspective to projects across various sectors, including point-of-sale, hospitality, healthcare, finance, and more. In the dynamic world of technology, I have worked tirelessly to stay updated and proficient in the latest trends and tools. My skills extend across various technology stacks, including .Net Framework and .Net Core, enabling me to create high-performance and scalable applications in enterprise environments. In the web realm, I have solid experience with React and Angular, enabling me to build modern and highly interactive user interfaces. This translates into exceptional and engaging user experiences. Regarding databases, my experience encompasses a variety of systems, including MySQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, and Firebase. This versatility in data management allows me to adapt to the specific needs of each project and ensure that information is stored, retrieved, and processed efficiently and securely. In addition to building new modules and applications, I have a strong track record of providing technical support and enhancements to existing systems. This includes debugging and optimizing code, resolving complex issues, and implementing new features to meet changing business demands. In summary, I am a versatile and experienced developer who takes pride in the ability to work across a wide range of technologies and sectors. My passion for innovation and commitment to quality drive me to overcome technical challenges and create world-class software solutions that propel my clients' success.

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  • Programmierung
    • C#
    • NodeJS
    • PHP
    • Python
    • React
    • Django

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cesar osorio
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Spanisch Muttersprache


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Tecnico En Computo E Informatica Am Lernen

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