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I have taught the intro econ course with some success and been involved in the writing of several principles textbooks, so I’ve watched the evolution of these arguments over the years with interest. Perhaps the fundamental problem, as Cohen describes, is that many econ departments want to have a single principles of economics class, they want that class to count toward the economics major, and they want that class to prepare students for the courses that follow: especially intermediate micro and...

I have taught the intro econ course with some success and been involved in the writing of several principles textbooks, so I’ve watched the evolution of these arguments over the years with interest. Perhaps the fundamental problem, as Cohen describes, is that many econ departments want to have a single principles of economics class, they want that class to count toward the economics major, and they want that class to prepare students for the courses that follow: especially intermediate micro and intermediate macro. Departments have some confidence that the existing principles of economics textbooks and classes more-or-less accomplish this goal. The incentives of departments to adjust the existing courses–and then perhaps also need to adjust the intermediate courses–are low.

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  • Wirtschaft Anfänger, Mittelstufe

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