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Aus Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika"

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Hello Everyone! My name is John Ervin and I am here for one reason only, to help make learning English fun! I have served as a public school Substitute teacher, an 8th grade Science teacher, and a Special Education teacher the of 4th, 5th and 6th grade. I love teaching very much because of how it has personally benefited my life in achieving my own success goals and now I have dedicated my life to help you do the same. I can't wait until our first class together, and soon you'll be speaking Engl...

Hello Everyone! My name is John Ervin and I am here for one reason only, to help make learning English fun! I have served as a public school Substitute teacher, an 8th grade Science teacher, and a Special Education teacher the of 4th, 5th and 6th grade. I love teaching very much because of how it has personally benefited my life in achieving my own success goals and now I have dedicated my life to help you do the same. I can't wait until our first class together, and soon you'll be speaking English like a professional! I grew up in Southwestern Illinois, USA and had struggled as a student during my youth due to poor quality education. It became a passion of mine to make sure that experience was never duplicated for others. This passion led me to go to college in Florissant, Missouri back in 2016 and in 2019 I fulfilled my dream at finally becoming an educator in Indiana, USA. I work simultaneously on writing children's books while constantly looking to improve my own skills as a professional educator. It is my dream to help young students reach the next stages of their life to reach their own dreams.

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Ausbildung und Erfahrung Ba Preaching Ministry/ Ba Secondary Education Am Lernen