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Aus Argentinien"

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Hello! My name is Jerónimo. I am from Córdoba, Argentina, and since 2021 I live in Buenos Aires. In high school, I studied the Economics and Management of Organizations orientation (Colegio La Salle School, 2011). Then, in university I graduated as a Bachelor of Social Communication (National University of Córdoba, 2018). Since 2016, I work as a private teacher in various subjects: • Spanish • Maths • History • Philosophy • English • Accounting I have worked mainly with high school and colleg...

Hello! My name is Jerónimo. I am from Córdoba, Argentina, and since 2021 I live in Buenos Aires. In high school, I studied the Economics and Management of Organizations orientation (Colegio La Salle School, 2011). Then, in university I graduated as a Bachelor of Social Communication (National University of Córdoba, 2018). Since 2016, I work as a private teacher in various subjects: • Spanish • Maths • History • Philosophy • English • Accounting I have worked mainly with high school and college students. For me, the most important thing when teaching is to promote active learning, stimulating in the student the acquisition of tools that allow him to manage and organize his own study and learning process. In the same way, I consider the study environment fundamental, since we can only prepare ourselves to acquire and reinforce knowledge when we feel comfortable, motivated, with the ability to concentrate and in a pleasant space. I believe it is essential to seek and find meaning in the material being studied, relating it to one's own experiences and interests, as the only way to work towards meaningful learning. As additional information in relation to my training and experience, in 2016 I studied in an exchange program at the University of Concordia (Montréal, Canada). Between 2017 and 2018 I took several courses of Spanish Language and Literature at National University of Córdoba. In addition to working continuously in a school support center, between 2018 and 2019 I worked as a tutor in a secondary school. Currently, I am studying Film Script at ENERC-INCAA. Do not hesitate to write me for further information. I look forward to meet each other!

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  • Spanisch
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    • Grammatik
    • Spanisch im Alltag
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  • Englisch
    • Grammatik
    • Englisch im Alltag
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Spanisch Muttersprache

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Comunicación Social
Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Profesor En Docencia Superior

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