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Aus Philippinen"

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Hi I'm Jefferson Abareta, I have a Bachelor's degree in Teaching Physics from Philippine Normal University, and I also earned master's units in Science Education major in Physics from the same University. I have been teaching high school Physics for almost 15 years now. As an educator, my philosophy is simple yet powerful - I strive to make essential concepts in the classroom truly captivating and engaging. I believe that when students find interest in what they learn, the seeds of knowledge gr...

Hi I'm Jefferson Abareta, I have a Bachelor's degree in Teaching Physics from Philippine Normal University, and I also earned master's units in Science Education major in Physics from the same University. I have been teaching high school Physics for almost 15 years now. As an educator, my philosophy is simple yet powerful - I strive to make essential concepts in the classroom truly captivating and engaging. I believe that when students find interest in what they learn, the seeds of knowledge grow into a deep understanding that stays with them for a lifetime.

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  • Physik
    • Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik
    • Elektromagnetismus
    • Thermodynamik
    • Flüssigkeitsphysik
    • Physikalische Optik
    • Mechanische Physik

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Ausbildung und Erfahrung Bachelor Of Secondary Education Major In Physics And Technology

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