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Lehrerin aus Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika"

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Welcome! I'm Isabella, a piano and guitar teacher. I am happy to teach beginner-intermediate piano and beginner guitar. I have been playing classical piano for 13 years. I've played guitar for six years, usually on acoustic. I have taught both piano and guitar before, specifically to younger students and helping them prepare for evaluative music exams. Together, we can work on pieces that you want to learn and develop a strong foundation in music. I strongly believe that it is most important t...

Welcome! I'm Isabella, a piano and guitar teacher. I am happy to teach beginner-intermediate piano and beginner guitar. I have been playing classical piano for 13 years. I've played guitar for six years, usually on acoustic. I have taught both piano and guitar before, specifically to younger students and helping them prepare for evaluative music exams. Together, we can work on pieces that you want to learn and develop a strong foundation in music. I strongly believe that it is most important to find joy in music, and I try to keep my lessons adaptive and flexible. Currently, I am a college student and taking private lessons in both piano and guitar. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Looking forward to working with you!

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  • Klavier Anfänger, Mittelstufe

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