⏱ Reagiert in der Regel innerhalb von 12 Stunden
🏆 Mehr als 1 Jahr Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht
⏱ Reagiert in der Regel innerhalb von 12 Stunden
🏆 Mehr als 1 Jahr Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht
Lehrerin aus Kolumbien"
6 Bewertungen
Die Lehrkraft hat ihre/seine Präsentation in einer anderen Sprache verfasst. Automatisch übersetzen
Hi! I am Nataly. I am a Chemist, graduated from the National University of Colombia. I have recently completed my PhD in Electrochemistry at the University of Limerick, in Ireland. I have been online tutor for two years and in-person tutor for one year. I find very rewarding to transmit my love for Chemistry and Mathematics, I also enjoy teaching using practical examples and associate them with real life. I have worked with batteries, polymers and solar energy materials. I would love to support ...
Hi! I am Nataly. I am a Chemist, graduated from the National University of Colombia. I have recently completed my PhD in Electrochemistry at the University of Limerick, in Ireland. I have been online tutor for two years and in-person tutor for one year. I find very rewarding to transmit my love for Chemistry and Mathematics, I also enjoy teaching using practical examples and associate them with real life. I have worked with batteries, polymers and solar energy materials. I would love to support you in your learning process!
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