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Aus Ägypten"

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hello my name is Hussein and i from Egypt i graduated from al Azhar university in Egypt and specialized in Arabic and Quran subjects i finished memorizing the Quran when i was 11 years old and i have ijaza in al Qeraat al Asher i have an experience in teaching exceeds 15 years in this field with many nationalities allover the world i use many methods in teaching depends on the student level and what he can afford i relied on the monthly tests to determine the level of the students and to calc...

hello my name is Hussein and i from Egypt i graduated from al Azhar university in Egypt and specialized in Arabic and Quran subjects i finished memorizing the Quran when i was 11 years old and i have ijaza in al Qeraat al Asher i have an experience in teaching exceeds 15 years in this field with many nationalities allover the world i use many methods in teaching depends on the student level and what he can afford i relied on the monthly tests to determine the level of the students and to calculate their improvement through the lessons

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  • Arabisch Anfänger/A1-2, Mittelstufe/B1-2, Fortgeschritten/C1, Fortgeschritten/C2

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Ausbildung und Erfahrung Bachelor In Commerce
Zertifikat Al Qeraat Al Asher In Quran