Lance A.

Aus Südafrika"

Über mich Verfügbarkeit Mehr Infos

Über mich

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Hello, students! My name is Lance Hancock and I am a qualified Systems Developer, which means I know about programming and code! Time to get you started learning the basics, and why code is fun and useful, we will start by creating exciting games using scratch, then move to beginner languages such as python and finish with more advanced code such as C#. We will create artwork using code, games using code, and even a website using code and you will become familiar with programming terminology.


  • Programmierung
    • ASP.NET
    • C#
    • CSS
    • HTML
    • Python
    • Scratch

Verfügbarkeit (Der Stundenplan wird in deiner Ortszeit angezeigt)

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Zertifikat Microsoft Certified: Python, Html, Css And Azure