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Lehrerin aus China" , derzeit wohnhaft in Neuseeland
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你好,我叫Helen,来自中国。我的出生地在北京,是一个地道的北京姑娘。我的兴趣爱好很广泛,有跑步,户外登山,拳击,攀岩,IT技术。我非常希望把中文和中国传统文化带到全世界,让想了解中国的人进一步认识中国和中国传统文化。很高兴认识来自世界各地的你。 Hello, my name is Helen, from Beijing, China. I am a real Beijing girl. I am a person who likes Chinese traditional culture very much. I have more than 10 years' working experience in a Fortune 500 foreign company. Now I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I have a wide range of interests, including running, boxing, rock climbing and IT technology. I really hope to bring Chines...
你好,我叫Helen,来自中国。我的出生地在北京,是一个地道的北京姑娘。我的兴趣爱好很广泛,有跑步,户外登山,拳击,攀岩,IT技术。我非常希望把中文和中国传统文化带到全世界,让想了解中国的人进一步认识中国和中国传统文化。很高兴认识来自世界各地的你。 Hello, my name is Helen, from Beijing, China. I am a real Beijing girl. I am a person who likes Chinese traditional culture very much. I have more than 10 years' working experience in a Fortune 500 foreign company. Now I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I have a wide range of interests, including running, boxing, rock climbing and IT technology. I really hope to bring Chinese and Chinese traditional culture to the world, so that people who want to know more about China can further understand China and Chinese traditional culture. It's a pleasure to meet friends from all over the world
Chinesisch Anfänger/A1-2
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