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Hello, I am Hayford. I have a doctorate degree in media and communications and a masters degree in marketing from the University of Stirling. I am a very experienced marketing practitioner and tutor with over 10 years experience. I am always excited about the opportunity to help students understand marketing to their fullest potential in and out of classroom contexts. I am the founder of legacy education tool ltd, which is also a tutoring service provider. This professional experience has ho...

Hello, I am Hayford. I have a doctorate degree in media and communications and a masters degree in marketing from the University of Stirling. I am a very experienced marketing practitioner and tutor with over 10 years experience. I am always excited about the opportunity to help students understand marketing to their fullest potential in and out of classroom contexts. I am the founder of legacy education tool ltd, which is also a tutoring service provider. This professional experience has honed my ability to translate complex marketing concepts into actionable strategies, a skill that I am eager to pass on to students. My tutoring approach is student-centred, focusing on interactive and practical learning methods. I strive to create an engaging learning environment where students feel comfortable to explore ideas, ask questions, and develop their problem-solving skills. I am eager to support students and learners alike at different levels of the academic ladder - beginner, intermediate or advance. Everybody is welcome and I will be happy to help you become an excellent marketing practitioner or academic.

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  • Marketing
    • Marktforschung
    • Branding

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EnglischUmfassende Kompetenzen

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Bsc In Marketing
Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Msc In Marketing
Promotion Phd In Media And Communications Am Lernen

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