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Aus Iran"

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I am a senior engineer who has been in love with geometry and physics his whole life. I've had the opportunity of having the most passionate and knowledgeable teachers in middle school and high school and that's the root of my passion for teaching. I know how great it is to learn from someone who deeply understands what they teach, so I want the same thing happen to younger students who are eager to learn. All I want to do is to pass on the great joy of teaching from the heart and learning with ...

I am a senior engineer who has been in love with geometry and physics his whole life. I've had the opportunity of having the most passionate and knowledgeable teachers in middle school and high school and that's the root of my passion for teaching. I know how great it is to learn from someone who deeply understands what they teach, so I want the same thing happen to younger students who are eager to learn. All I want to do is to pass on the great joy of teaching from the heart and learning with love :)

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  • Mathe
    • Rechnen
    • Geometrie
  • Physik
    • Mechanische Physik

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EnglischFachliche Kompetenz

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Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Msc In Mechanical Engineering

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