🏆 Mehr als 3 Jahre Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht

José G.

Aus Mexiko"

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¡Hi! My name is Gilberto Montiel. I am a mechanical engineer graduated with honors from UNAM Facultad de Ingeniería. I made my thesis about the aerodynamics of micro-air vehicles, then I worked in the industry of pressure vessels, and I have a four-year experience with regularization classes, exam preparation and scholar help of mathematics and physics, from elementary and high-school students to university students. In class, we review the most relevant concepts of the subject that you want to...

¡Hi! My name is Gilberto Montiel. I am a mechanical engineer graduated with honors from UNAM Facultad de Ingeniería. I made my thesis about the aerodynamics of micro-air vehicles, then I worked in the industry of pressure vessels, and I have a four-year experience with regularization classes, exam preparation and scholar help of mathematics and physics, from elementary and high-school students to university students. In class, we review the most relevant concepts of the subject that you want to study, always solving exercises that will let you understand and use the ideas and definitios of the theory. The objective is that you learn to develop an useful methodology to comprehend the topic, an analitic view to suggest ways of solution to the proposed exercises, and a systematic approach to solve those problems. I am here to help you to accomplish your goals!

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  • Physik
    • Thermodynamik
    • Flüssigkeitsphysik
    • Physikalische Grundlagen
    • Mechanische Physik
  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Trigonometrie
    • Rechnen
    • Geometrie

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Spanisch Muttersprache

EnglischFachliche Kompetenz

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Ingeniero Mecánico