Gabrielle N.

Lehrerin aus Vereinigtes Königreich"

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Hey! I’m Gabrielle, a Qualified Chartered Accountant with a First-Class degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Warwick. With extensive experience in public speaking, mentorship, and coaching, I am dedicated to helping students and young people thrive. My classes focus on academic growth, confidence building, and personal development. I can tailor my approach to meet each student’s unique needs, whether they are navigating academic challenges, career planning, or developing ...

Hey! I’m Gabrielle, a Qualified Chartered Accountant with a First-Class degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Warwick. With extensive experience in public speaking, mentorship, and coaching, I am dedicated to helping students and young people thrive. My classes focus on academic growth, confidence building, and personal development. I can tailor my approach to meet each student’s unique needs, whether they are navigating academic challenges, career planning, or developing essential skills. I look forward to supporting you in achieving your goals and ensuring a positive and engaging learning experience.

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  • Coaching Mittelstufe
  • Rechnungswesen Fortgeschritten

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Bsc Accounting And Finance (1St Class)
Zertifikat Qualified Chartered Accountant