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Lehrerin aus Chile"

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Hello! My name is Koro, I am a Spanish teacher, with a degree in Hispanic language and literature from the University of Chile, a language and communication teacher, and a Master's in education from the same university. I like to prepare my classes in a personalized way to the objectives of each student; since some people want to learn Spanish to be able to travel on vacation to a Spanish-speaking country, while others want to learn Spanish for work or academic reasons. I will keep this in mind ...

Hello! My name is Koro, I am a Spanish teacher, with a degree in Hispanic language and literature from the University of Chile, a language and communication teacher, and a Master's in education from the same university. I like to prepare my classes in a personalized way to the objectives of each student; since some people want to learn Spanish to be able to travel on vacation to a Spanish-speaking country, while others want to learn Spanish for work or academic reasons. I will keep this in mind during the learning process. I will be delighted to be your Spanish teacher! I offer a friendly and comfortable environment for people who identify as LGTBIQ+.

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  • Spanische Sprache und Literatur Fortgeschritten

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Spanisch Muttersprache


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Licenciada En Lengua Y Literatura Hispánica Con Mención En Lingüística
Ausbildung und Erfahrung Profesora De Lengua Y Literatura Hispánica.
Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Magíster En Educación.

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