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Lehrerin aus China"

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Hello everyone! I'm Frances. I'm easy-going and very friendly. I graduated from Sichuan International Study University. I have worked for 7 yrs now. I consider myself with potential to be a good Chinese teacher. I will organise my online English classes according to the learning objectives of each student. My teaching approach focuses on creating an interactive and engaging learning in incorporating real-life situations, cultural aspects, and multimedia resources to enhance students' understa...

Hello everyone! I'm Frances. I'm easy-going and very friendly. I graduated from Sichuan International Study University. I have worked for 7 yrs now. I consider myself with potential to be a good Chinese teacher. I will organise my online English classes according to the learning objectives of each student. My teaching approach focuses on creating an interactive and engaging learning in incorporating real-life situations, cultural aspects, and multimedia resources to enhance students' understanding. You can learn the most authentic Chinese with me. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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  • Chinesisch Fortgeschritten/C2

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EnglischUmfassende Kompetenzen


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Ausbildung und Erfahrung Sichuan International Studies University
Zertifikat Ielts:7.5
Zertifikat Ctcsol(Certificate For Teachers Of Chinese To Speakers Of Other Languages) Mandarin Certificate

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