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Lehrerin aus Argentinien"

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Ciao a tutti! Italian and german lessons for adults adapted to each student and their needs. I work with books (Progetto Italiano, Rete, Domani, Parlo Italiano, among others), music, games, videos and everything to make a dynamic and entertaining class without academic structures. **For exam preparation, consult for price and availability** -Discounts from 2 people- My lessons are oriented towards both the oral and written parts. I also work with activities that stimulate creativity when put...

Ciao a tutti! Italian and german lessons for adults adapted to each student and their needs. I work with books (Progetto Italiano, Rete, Domani, Parlo Italiano, among others), music, games, videos and everything to make a dynamic and entertaining class without academic structures. **For exam preparation, consult for price and availability** -Discounts from 2 people- My lessons are oriented towards both the oral and written parts. I also work with activities that stimulate creativity when putting the language into practice. We will also detail activities to lose fear when you speak. They are lessons with a lot of work but also very dynamic and funny The price includes all the material (both books and comprehension texts or videos) that I am in charge of providing in the first lesson that we meet. I have been studying this beautiful language in 2007. I studied Italian at the Dante Alighieri Institute in the city of Buenos Aires. In addition to taking Italian culture and grammar courses, I was part of the Italian theater laboratory at the same institute for more than two years. I am a tour guide and I have been working in Italian and German for 9 years with passengers from Italy, Germany, Austria and southern Switzerland. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to write to me, I'm here to help you! At your disposal for what you need Arrivederci, professoressa Florencia.

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  • Italienisch
    • Vokabeln
    • Italienisch im Alltag
    • Konversation
    • Sitten
    • Grammatik
  • Deutsch
    • Schreiben
    • Konversation
    • Grammatik
    • Goethe A2 Prüfungsvorbereitung
    • Vokabular

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Guía De Turismo
Zertifikat Tripulante De Cabina De Pasajeros
Zertifikat Profesora De Italiano