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Faisal M.

Lehrerin aus Pakistan"

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Über mich

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I have been teaching for more than 25 years. I focus on concept building. I provide notes. I use digital media like ppt, videos and animations in my lectures. I have a YouTube channel for further support. I believe in sincerity, hardworking and regularity. As a teacher my priority is course completion and past papers’ practice. I also conduct online quizzes for assessment. I always welcome queries. I give extra classes when needed. I always aim for the best. Teaching is my passion. I believe i...

I have been teaching for more than 25 years. I focus on concept building. I provide notes. I use digital media like ppt, videos and animations in my lectures. I have a YouTube channel for further support. I believe in sincerity, hardworking and regularity. As a teacher my priority is course completion and past papers’ practice. I also conduct online quizzes for assessment. I always welcome queries. I give extra classes when needed. I always aim for the best. Teaching is my passion. I believe its a profession which creates other professions. I want my students to ask questions. I try to set a frequency with my students. With my experience, I know that every student is different, so a different approach may be needed for every student.

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  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Trigonometrie
    • Rechnen
  • Physik
    • Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik
    • Elektromagnetismus
    • Mechanische Physik
    • Quantenphysik

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Chemical Engg