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Lehrerin aus Libanon"

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Hello! I’m a biochemistry tutor and a certified skincare specialist. I find it hard to complete anything less than perfect due to my OCD, turns out it comes in handy! I obtained my certificate at just 18 y/o thanks to my excellent qualifications. I like to get to know how each student thinks and match my teaching techniques accordingly, so expect a very familiar approach! I also deeply value taking time to understand my clients needs and address them one by one in the personalised plan. ‏ i’m no...

Hello! I’m a biochemistry tutor and a certified skincare specialist. I find it hard to complete anything less than perfect due to my OCD, turns out it comes in handy! I obtained my certificate at just 18 y/o thanks to my excellent qualifications. I like to get to know how each student thinks and match my teaching techniques accordingly, so expect a very familiar approach! I also deeply value taking time to understand my clients needs and address them one by one in the personalised plan. ‏ i’m not only a tutor I’m also an example for your kids.

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  • Biologie
    • Biologie-Grundlagenlehrer
    • Zellbiologie
    • Genetik
    • microbiologia
    • ecologia
    • neurologia
  • Chemie
    • Reine Chemie
    • Stöchiometrie
    • Organische Chemie
    • Grundlagen der Chemie
    • Kohlenstoffchemie

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FranzösischUmfassende Kompetenzen

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Zertifikat Skincare Specialist
Ausbildung und Erfahrung Biochemistry Am Lernen