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Lehrerin aus Südafrika"

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Hello my name is Egnatiaus Betha and I am a native English speaker with 2 years of experience in teaching maths and English I'm a certified Tefl tutor and I have learned that learners get bored easily when coming to maths so I have made my class easy and fun so that my students can understand maths, I enjoy when my student understand maths and English and my classroom is a safe space for you to learn because I understand and the nice thing is you will have a person who is willing to listen and h...

Hello my name is Egnatiaus Betha and I am a native English speaker with 2 years of experience in teaching maths and English I'm a certified Tefl tutor and I have learned that learners get bored easily when coming to maths so I have made my class easy and fun so that my students can understand maths, I enjoy when my student understand maths and English and my classroom is a safe space for you to learn because I understand and the nice thing is you will have a person who is willing to listen and help you improve and understand maths

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  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Lineare Algebra
    • Numerische Analyse
    • Lineare Programmierung

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Zertifikat Tefl
Zertifikat Data Analyst

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