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Hello, I am Ebrahim Ahmed, an electrical engineering student at Middle East Technical University. I am more than excited to teach you Math and Physics. Many students are always having difficulties understanding Math and Physics subjects and my job is to help understand them YOUR WAY. Physics and Math are no more than scientific principles that are needed to be applied in real-life problems. As a fellow student, I am fully aware of these difficulties and I believe we can solve them together....

Hello, I am Ebrahim Ahmed, an electrical engineering student at Middle East Technical University. I am more than excited to teach you Math and Physics. Many students are always having difficulties understanding Math and Physics subjects and my job is to help understand them YOUR WAY. Physics and Math are no more than scientific principles that are needed to be applied in real-life problems. As a fellow student, I am fully aware of these difficulties and I believe we can solve them together. Interactive learning is the Key and with the help of new technologies, the ideas will reach you in no time! Stay positive, do your best and see you soon.

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  • Physik
    • Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik
    • Elektrodynamik
    • Elektromagnetismus
    • Photonik
  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Lineare Algebra
    • Trigonometrie
    • Rechnen
    • Geometrie

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Zertifikat Toefl Ibt
Zertifikat Sats
Zertifikat Duolingo English Test
Abschlusszeugnis High-School Diploma
Ausbildung und Erfahrung Electrical And Electronics Engineering Am Lernen

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