Dorsa B.

Lehrerin aus Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika"

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As a student of philosophy at University of California Los Angeles, I am learning a lot of philosophical background that we could work with. Great teachers highlighted the importance of their students' understanding, rather than knowing, of new information. With that teaching of Aristotle in mind, we can adjust lessons each meeting creating optimal environments so that you may learn most easily. Most important factor of a great teacher is breaking down ideas into simple forms, and we can do that...

As a student of philosophy at University of California Los Angeles, I am learning a lot of philosophical background that we could work with. Great teachers highlighted the importance of their students' understanding, rather than knowing, of new information. With that teaching of Aristotle in mind, we can adjust lessons each meeting creating optimal environments so that you may learn most easily. Most important factor of a great teacher is breaking down ideas into simple forms, and we can do that together.

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  • Philosophie Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten

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