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Lehrerin aus Mexiko"

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Hey! 👋 My name is Diana. I'm from Mexico and I teach English and Spanish, if you're interested in learning any of these languages don't wait anymore! I usually work as Spanish teacher with students who are currently living in mexico, so they need to learn as fast as posible basic utterances, if you need Spanish for traveling, I can help you! I'm well-organised, responsible and passionated about my work, so I'll never get you dissapointed. I work at different language levels and my students alwa...

Hey! 👋 My name is Diana. I'm from Mexico and I teach English and Spanish, if you're interested in learning any of these languages don't wait anymore! I usually work as Spanish teacher with students who are currently living in mexico, so they need to learn as fast as posible basic utterances, if you need Spanish for traveling, I can help you! I'm well-organised, responsible and passionated about my work, so I'll never get you dissapointed. I work at different language levels and my students always get fun.

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  • Englisch
    • Grammatik
    • B1 Preliminary (PET) Prüfungsvorbereitung
    • TOEFL Prüfungsvorbereitung
    • Vokabeln
    • Leseverstehen
    • Schreiben
  • Spanisch
    • Sitten
    • Konversation
    • Grammatik
    • Spanisch im Alltag

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Spanisch Muttersprache


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Enseñanza Del Inglés