⏱ Reagiert in der Regel innerhalb von 12 Stunden
🏆 Mehr als 5 Jahre Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht
⏱ Reagiert in der Regel innerhalb von 12 Stunden
🏆 Mehr als 5 Jahre Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht
Lehrerin aus Kolumbien"
12 Bewertungen
Die Lehrkraft hat ihre/seine Präsentation in einer anderen Sprache verfasst. Automatisch übersetzen
Hello! My name is Daniela. I'm a doctor, a certified ESL teacher, and an artist who is passionate about teaching. I have over 7 years of experience teaching English and Spanish online to people from all over the world, all ages, and all backgrounds. I also have experience teaching English and Spanish to healthcare professionals. Our lessons will be dynamic and prepared just for you. If you require a structured lesson to start, I can design it as you need it, although I enjoy teaching through a...
Hello! My name is Daniela. I'm a doctor, a certified ESL teacher, and an artist who is passionate about teaching. I have over 7 years of experience teaching English and Spanish online to people from all over the world, all ages, and all backgrounds. I also have experience teaching English and Spanish to healthcare professionals. Our lessons will be dynamic and prepared just for you. If you require a structured lesson to start, I can design it as you need it, although I enjoy teaching through art. Reading, singing, watching movies, etc, are activities that help us interiorize the language, and also some very interesting conversations arise from that. One of the reasons I enjoy teaching is that I learn a lot from my students at the same time. It will be a moment we will share through art and our own experiences. I hope you're up for a lesson with me, we're going to learn and have fun. See you!
Spanisch Muttersprache