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Lehrerin aus Tunesien"

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Hello, my name is Cyrine Ben Aissa. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Business Law from the Law University of Sfax and I am currently continuing my master's degree in Diplomacy and International Relations at the Central University. I have three years of experience as a private English and Arabic teacher for students of different age groups (8 years old - 18 years old). Conserning my courses, I focus on the needs of each of my students, by establishing mutual communication and ensuring a r...

Hello, my name is Cyrine Ben Aissa. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Business Law from the Law University of Sfax and I am currently continuing my master's degree in Diplomacy and International Relations at the Central University. I have three years of experience as a private English and Arabic teacher for students of different age groups (8 years old - 18 years old). Conserning my courses, I focus on the needs of each of my students, by establishing mutual communication and ensuring a relationship of comfort and fun in class! I will be happy if you choose me to guide you and help you achieve goals.

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  • Englisch
    • Grammatik
    • Englisch im Alltag
    • Juristisches Englisch
    • Business Englisch
    • Konversation
    • Vorbereitung auf ein Vorstellungsgespräch
  • Arabisch Fortgeschritten/C2

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FranzösischUmfassende Kompetenzen

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Ausbildung und Erfahrung Licence En Droit Des Affaires
Zertifikat Master En Diplomatie Et Relation Internationales Am Lernen