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Aus Argentinien"

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Hello, my name is Cristal, I'm from Argentina and I'd like to help you achieve fluency in Spanish. I will share with you the amazing Argentine culture, as part of the Latin culture. I taught Spanish to the beautiful gypsy community in my city, it was an unforgettable experience which gives me the opportunity to help many people to read, write and speak Spanish correctly. I taught English for high school students for more than 10 years. As you can see I speak English so if you need use this lang...

Hello, my name is Cristal, I'm from Argentina and I'd like to help you achieve fluency in Spanish. I will share with you the amazing Argentine culture, as part of the Latin culture. I taught Spanish to the beautiful gypsy community in my city, it was an unforgettable experience which gives me the opportunity to help many people to read, write and speak Spanish correctly. I taught English for high school students for more than 10 years. As you can see I speak English so if you need use this language you can do it with me. Let me help you to improve your Spanish skills!

Mehr lesen


  • Spanisch
    • Sitten
    • Konversation
    • Lokale Kultur
    • Vokabeln
    • Business Spanisch
    • Leseverstehen
  • Englisch
    • Grammatik
    • B1 Preliminary (PET) Prüfungsvorbereitung
    • Phonetik
    • Vokabeln
    • Konversation

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Bewertungen der Studenten

Oleg Topalo
Cristal es una profesora excelente. Tengo muy buena experiencia con ella. Muy recomendable
Cristal es una excelente professora. Ella es paciente confiable y conocedora. ¡Gracias Cristal por ayudarme con mi español!
Pina Liu
My first lesson with Cristal was very good. :)
Excelente forma de explicar, sencilla y clara
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Spanisch Muttersprache


Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Ele Am Lernen
Abschlusszeugnis Inbound Marketing
Abschlusszeugnis Diseño Ux Ui

Mehr über mich (Hobbys, Interessen...)