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Aus Argentinien"

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Hello! I'm Carlos Schopfer, a lecturer at Universidad de Buenos Aires with 15 years of experience in providing private lessons. My passion for teaching and commitment to my students' learning has set me apart in this field. What makes me different is my personalized approach to each student. I understand that everyone has their own pace and learning style, so I tailor my classes to meet their specific needs and objectives. I believe in creating a friendly and approachable environment so that my...

Hello! I'm Carlos Schopfer, a lecturer at Universidad de Buenos Aires with 15 years of experience in providing private lessons. My passion for teaching and commitment to my students' learning has set me apart in this field. What makes me different is my personalized approach to each student. I understand that everyone has their own pace and learning style, so I tailor my classes to meet their specific needs and objectives. I believe in creating a friendly and approachable environment so that my students feel comfortable and motivated. In my classes, I strive to encourage active participation and dialogue, so that my students feel confident in asking questions and sharing ideas. I believe that the learning process should be interactive and enjoyable, so I use various resources such as practical examples, dynamic exercises, and educational technology. My professional experience has allowed me to teach at different levels, from high school students to university level. I am confident that together, we can overcome any academic challenges that may arise. If you choose to take classes with me, you can rest assured that you'll find a committed, patient, and passionate teacher who is eager to help you achieve your educational goals. I can't wait to embark on this exciting learning journey together! Remember, I'm here to assist you, so don't hesitate to ask any questions or share your concerns. Together, we will achieve the academic success you seek. I look forward to seeing you soon in our private classes! Thank you for considering me as your teacher!

Mehr lesen


  • Physik
    • Flüssigkeitsphysik
    • Theoretische Physik
    • Physikalische Grundlagen
    • Akustik
    • Festkörperphysik
    • Mechanische Physik
  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Lineare Algebra
    • Numerische Analyse
    • Rechnen
    • Geometrie

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Bachelor-Abschluss Ciencias Físicas Am Lernen