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Aus Argentinien"

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Hey there!, mi name is Carlos Perren, Linux servers admin, backend / frontend programmer (nodeJS / ReactJS) and ESP32 based microcontrollers programmer. I have more than 15 years of experience as freelance / contractor programmer; also more than 6 years as online / face to face professor. I always try to prioritize the personal goals of every student, adding my practical experience to improve the learning curve and make it more enjoyable. I also try to collaborate, being proactive and sharing...

Hey there!, mi name is Carlos Perren, Linux servers admin, backend / frontend programmer (nodeJS / ReactJS) and ESP32 based microcontrollers programmer. I have more than 15 years of experience as freelance / contractor programmer; also more than 6 years as online / face to face professor. I always try to prioritize the personal goals of every student, adding my practical experience to improve the learning curve and make it more enjoyable. I also try to collaborate, being proactive and sharing what others teached to me, with the idea of generate new proffesionals with real enthusiasm and commitment with this fantastic world of programming.

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  • Programmierung
    • Javascript
    • NodeJS
    • CSS
    • HTML
    • Python

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Bachelor-Abschluss Técnico Am Lernen