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Hi there! My name is Brian, and I'm from Malaysia. I’m currently a second-year astrophysics undergraduate at Durham University. My passion for Physics stems from its ability to explain phenomena on every scale, from the subatomic world of quantum mechanics to the vastness of galaxies and the universe! I once had a tutor who was really excited about everything in Physics, and she inspired me to pursue my studies in astronomy and physics. Every time I felt devastated due to academic stress, I wo...

Hi there! My name is Brian, and I'm from Malaysia. I’m currently a second-year astrophysics undergraduate at Durham University. My passion for Physics stems from its ability to explain phenomena on every scale, from the subatomic world of quantum mechanics to the vastness of galaxies and the universe! I once had a tutor who was really excited about everything in Physics, and she inspired me to pursue my studies in astronomy and physics. Every time I felt devastated due to academic stress, I would be motivated by her words to never give up. Therefore, I understand the significance of a passionate tutor to a student, and I'd like to become the person whom you can rely on. Here's a polished version of your teaching style description that maintains clarity and professionalism: My Teaching Style: 1. Understanding Your Needs: Before each lesson, we’ll discuss any topics you find challenging so I can tailor the session to your needs. 2. Prepared Notes: At the start of every lesson, we’ll review the customised notes I’ve prepared for you. 3. Concept Reinforcement: We’ll then work through some straightforward questions to solidify your understanding. 4. Exam Practice: To ensure you’ve mastered the concept, we’ll tackle a past-year exam question together. 5. Session Summary: Each lesson will conclude with a summary to reinforce key takeaways and prepare for the next session.

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  • Physik
    • Schaltungstheorie und Elektronik
    • Atom- und Teilchenphysik
    • Astrophysik
    • Quantenmechanik
    • Computerphysik
    • Mechanische Physik
  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Statistiken
    • Lineare Algebra
    • Angewandte Mathematik
    • Trigonometrie
    • Rechnen

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Bachelor-Abschluss Physics And Astronomy Am Lernen