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My teaching philosophy is built on the idea that students have the ability to grow and thrive as well-rounded individuals from the study of music. My focus is centered around four priorities in developmental skills: POSTURE, TONE, INTONATION and MUSICALITY. Students will be challenged to layer each skill with a series of tasks each lesson that focus on the mechanics of their instrument and ear training. Reading and notation are trained as a separate skill and brought together to promote the high...

My teaching philosophy is built on the idea that students have the ability to grow and thrive as well-rounded individuals from the study of music. My focus is centered around four priorities in developmental skills: POSTURE, TONE, INTONATION and MUSICALITY. Students will be challenged to layer each skill with a series of tasks each lesson that focus on the mechanics of their instrument and ear training. Reading and notation are trained as a separate skill and brought together to promote the highest level of ability on the violin/viola, with a fluency in reading music notation and ear training.

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Master Of Music, Violin Performance
Ausbildung und Erfahrung Bachelor Of Music, Violin Performance

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