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Bisma A.

Lehrerin aus Vereinigtes Königreich"

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Hello,I am Bisma Ahmad. I am currently a master's student for Pharmaceutical Sciences. I have done my Bachelor's in Chemistry with major in Analytical chemistry. My courseworks are in analyis techniques like HPLC and NMR. I have been tutoring since three years now and all my students are very satisfied and infact happy with my teachings. As a student myself I understand the value of a comfortable and healthy relation between the teacher and student, all my lesson are planned keeping in mind, th...

Hello,I am Bisma Ahmad. I am currently a master's student for Pharmaceutical Sciences. I have done my Bachelor's in Chemistry with major in Analytical chemistry. My courseworks are in analyis techniques like HPLC and NMR. I have been tutoring since three years now and all my students are very satisfied and infact happy with my teachings. As a student myself I understand the value of a comfortable and healthy relation between the teacher and student, all my lesson are planned keeping in mind, the student and their understanding on the topic to make sure that they feel safe in my learning enviornment. After every class i dedicate few minutes to my students where I ask them to tell me about what they have learned today.This helps me to evaluate them and to plan next lessons accordingly. If you want to be proficient in your field, I am here to hel[p you.

Mehr lesen


  • Chemie
    • Industrielle Chemie
    • Stöchiometrie
    • Organische Chemie
    • Grundlagen der Chemie
    • Anorganische Chemie
    • Analytische Chemie

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Master/Postgraduiertenstudium Pharmaceutical Sciences And Drug Delivery Systems Am Lernen
Bachelor-Abschluss Bachelor's In Chemistry