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Hello! I'm Ben Hirst, I have a degree in TV Production and Technology (the maths-y bit about how cameras work 😂). I've always had a passion for maths and after completing my maths GCSE early, I took Additional Maths at GCSE and went on to study Maths Statistics at A-Level. In school I used to struggle with fundamental maths skills which led to a lack of confidence and stopped me from progressing. A fundamental understanding is important in order to improve, and boost confidence. This is why tak...

Hello! I'm Ben Hirst, I have a degree in TV Production and Technology (the maths-y bit about how cameras work 😂). I've always had a passion for maths and after completing my maths GCSE early, I took Additional Maths at GCSE and went on to study Maths Statistics at A-Level. In school I used to struggle with fundamental maths skills which led to a lack of confidence and stopped me from progressing. A fundamental understanding is important in order to improve, and boost confidence. This is why take the time to find out where the issues lie and work from the ground up. I tailor my classes to each individual to ensure that progress is made as maths is not a one-size-fits-all subject!

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  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Statistiken
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Lineare Algebra
    • Mathematische Logik

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis B(Sc) Television Production And Technology
Zertifikat Maths Gsce
Zertifikat Additional Maths Certification
Zertifikat Mathematics A-Level

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