🏆 Mehr als 1 Jahr Erfahrung im Online-Unterricht


Lehrerin aus Indien"

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Hi, I'm Ashwini Dalvi. I have a degree in electronic engineering from the University of Pune. I have worked in several tutor platforms like Chegg, bartelby and for the last 3 years I have been dedicated to the world of teaching as I enjoy this facet of my profession. I have experience giving online classes to high school and university level students. I like to organise my classes according to the needs of each student and I will be happy to help you achieve your goals. I love teaching.


  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Mathematische Grundlagen
    • Lineare Algebra
    • Numerische Analyse
    • Angewandte Mathematik
    • Rechnen
  • Elektronik Anfänger, Mittelstufe, Fortgeschritten

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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Abschlusszeugnis Degree In Electronics Engineering.

Mehr über mich (Hobbys, Interessen...)