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Über mich

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I have completed a B. Tech and enjoy teaching. Math and physics are my top interest areas. I teach students to develop analytical skills in mathematics. Furthermore, I believe that helping and developing cognitive and intuitive skills in the subject makes math a very easy subject and I try to develop these skills in my students. As a professional teacher, I am caring, passionate, enthusiastic, and excited about providing engaging and challenging learning experiences. I aim to assist, encourage...

I have completed a B. Tech and enjoy teaching. Math and physics are my top interest areas. I teach students to develop analytical skills in mathematics. Furthermore, I believe that helping and developing cognitive and intuitive skills in the subject makes math a very easy subject and I try to develop these skills in my students. As a professional teacher, I am caring, passionate, enthusiastic, and excited about providing engaging and challenging learning experiences. I aim to assist, encourage and support students to achieve their learning goals. I take on a holistic, flexible, and differentiated pedagogical approach to teaching, to allow inclusivity within my classroom domains. I strongly believe that there is no one size fits all approach to pedagogy and learning, therefore, I constantly need to know my students' backgrounds, ethnicity, cultures, and abilities to provide a quality and engaging learning experience to engage and challenge all students. While teaching my students I plan and implement a variety of teaching pedagogies to emphasize engaged learning, communication, literacy, numeracy, collaboration, and problem-solving through a range of technologies. I try my level best to make everything understandable in every possible manner. I have four years of tutoring experience and I enjoyed teaching all grade students. I have been tutoring with other tutoring sites such as Course Hero and have a very good circle of more than a thousand students from the United States Of America, the United Kingdom, India, and more. I have been tutoring one-to-one for the last four years and consider myself to be competent and knowledgeable about my subject with my teaching experience.

Mehr lesen


  • Mathe
    • Algebra
    • Statistiken
    • Angewandte Mathematik
    • Trigonometrie
    • Rechnen
    • Diskrete Mathematik
  • Physik
    • Elektrodynamik
    • Flüssigkeitsphysik
    • Experimentalphysik
    • Physikalische Grundlagen
    • Physikalische Optik
    • Mechanische Physik

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Bewertungen meiner Studenten


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Nathan Rodrigues
Teaches clearly so students can understand easily, practices questions and goes through them also
Chong Hui
Anan Haque
Aaron Santosh
Good teaching and helping your student understand concepts.
Giby Jacob
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Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Degree