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Md A.

Aus Bangladesch"

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Dear parents or students, Are you looking for online mathematics and science tutors? I am here to help you. 📚 I am Currently a Student at the University of Dhaka, Applied math department. Why are you choosing me? ✅Deep knowledge of Mathematics and Physics ✅ Can explain the Topic with both physical and graphical points of view ✅Unique strategy for explaining the topic interestingly ✅Have good Communication skills 🌟 Expertise ✅ Advanced calculus, advanced algebra, Geometry, Statistics, Numeric...

Dear parents or students, Are you looking for online mathematics and science tutors? I am here to help you. 📚 I am Currently a Student at the University of Dhaka, Applied math department. Why are you choosing me? ✅Deep knowledge of Mathematics and Physics ✅ Can explain the Topic with both physical and graphical points of view ✅Unique strategy for explaining the topic interestingly ✅Have good Communication skills 🌟 Expertise ✅ Advanced calculus, advanced algebra, Geometry, Statistics, Numerical analysis Etc. ✅ Can easily engage with the Student ‎️‍🔥Teaching style ✅First explain the topic and make it clear to the student ✅Solve the related problem of this topic after it solves a real-world problem ✅ give an Assignment. If the student can not solve any problem, I will explain the topic again and solve it. Student success is my success. let's see the dream together and make proof of it. Any kind of criticism or suggestion is acceptable.

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  • Mathe
    • Lineare Algebra
    • Numerische Analyse
    • Trigonometrie
    • Rechnen
    • Mathematische Logik
    • Diskrete Mathematik

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