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Lehrerin aus Kongo" , derzeit wohnhaft in Ghana

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Hey! I am Anna, your dedicated English tutor. I bring a patient and engaging approach, My classes are structured according to your goals, focusing on practical conversation and tailor-made strategies to help you speak fluently. As a multi-language learner myself, I understand the challenges you may encounter and know how to overcome them. My skills and experience will guide you to a fluent command of English , helping you excel in your academic, professional or personal projects. Let's make you...

Hey! I am Anna, your dedicated English tutor. I bring a patient and engaging approach, My classes are structured according to your goals, focusing on practical conversation and tailor-made strategies to help you speak fluently. As a multi-language learner myself, I understand the challenges you may encounter and know how to overcome them. My skills and experience will guide you to a fluent command of English , helping you excel in your academic, professional or personal projects. Let's make your language trip both effective and enjoyable.

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  • Französisch
    • DFP
    • Business Französisch
    • Vokabeln
    • Konversation
    • Schreiben
    • Leseverstehen
  • Englisch
    • Englisch im Alltag
    • TOEFL Prüfungsvorbereitung
    • Vokabeln
    • Konversation
    • Leseverstehen
    • Schreiben

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EnglischUmfassende Kompetenzen

Bildung und Abschlüsse

Bachelor-Abschluss Bachelor In Agribusiness Management Am Lernen